Extra Strong Glue 10ml
Extra Strong Glue 10ml
Extra Strong Glue 10ml
Extra Strong Glue 10ml
Extra Strong Glue 10ml
Extra Strong Glue 10ml
Extra Strong Glue 10ml
Extra Strong Glue 10ml
Extra Strong Glue 10ml
Extra Strong Glue 10ml
Extra Strong Glue 10ml
Extra Strong Glue 10ml
Extra Strong Glue 10ml

Extra Strong Glue 10ml

Sale price£10.99 Regular price£20.99
Save £10.00

  • DRY TIME & ULTIMATE RETENTION TIME--It lasts up to 6-8weeks.  Dry time is 1 second and will work perfectly at 20-28℃and humidity 50%-85%,Works greatly at around 90% humidity
  • LOW FUME--The extra light formula of sensitive eyelash extension glue reduces the potential effects on allergic clients. This is a latex-free adhesive.
  • SEALED PACKAGE and GLUE NEEDLE--We take care of our clients, having packed the glue in a special sealed package inside to preserve maximum glue freshness before it is opened and significantly extend the life of adhesive after bottle opening.
  • SPECIAL BOTTLE DESIGN--Accurate 0.03ml per drop, Don't waste glue, Prolong the use of glue. Save time and Make glue a fun and easy thing to use.
  • Only for lash extension salons. Never use this product on your own with Individual lashes, Cluster, or Strip lashes.

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